Saturday, 4 May 2013

New ad placed on Gumtree today for the Gold Coast area - NDN vouchers

250,000 pet cats and dogs (mostly dsh cats and staffy dogs) were killed in council pounds and RSPCA/LostDogsHome shelters in Australia last year. Help stop the killing. DESEX! 

Gold Coast City Council (Qld) are currently offering subsidised desexing of CATS to their residents. (Scroll to the bottom to read about DOG vouchers) 

You can have your first female cat desexed for $40, subsequent females for $25 and all male cats for $25. 

You need to hold a concession card (health care, pension or disability pension) or be a low income earner to qualify. 

These vouchers are not available on line so you need to contact us on 1300 368 992. This offer is only for Gold Coast residents. 

We would like to thank the Gold Coast City Council for their continued support of this program. 

If you do not live on the Gold Coast, please contact your local Council and encourage them to organise a subsidised desexing program. 

You can obtain information and vouchers for reduced cost desexing for DOGS here: Contact us on 1300 368 992 for a quote - please provide your dog's approximate weight, size and sex. 

The AWL at Coombabah also provides pet desexing at a lower fee compared to private vets. 

NDN is a nationwide referral system for low cost desexing. NDN is a charitable program funded through the generosity of members of the public. The only beneficiaries of the program are Australia's cats and dogs. 

Our goal is to make desexing more affordable to those who might not otherwise be in a position to desex their pets.

New ad placed on Gumtree for Brisbane - National Desexing Network vouchers

Today's updated wording on the newly placed Gumtree ad for the National Desexing Network

NDN is a nationwide referral system for low cost desexing. NDN is a charitable program funded through the generosity of members of the public. The only beneficiaries of the program are Australia's cats and dogs.

Our goal is to make desexing more affordable to those who might not otherwise be in a position to desex their pets.

You can obtain information and vouchers for reduced cost desexing for dogs and cats here:

There are set fees for all male or female cats starting at $45 (the NDN pays the balance).

Fees vary according to the size and weight of your dog as well as if it is male or female. Ring toll free on 1 300 368 992 for more information and a quote for your out-of-pocket desexing costs (the NDN pays the balance).

The AWL clinics, if you live near one, also provides pet desexing at a lower fee compared to private vets and you can use NDN vouchers at AWL clinics as well as other local vet clinics.

Over 250,000 pet cats and dogs were killed in council pounds and RSPCA/LostDogsHome shelters in Australia last year, mainly dsh cats and staffy-type dogs. Help stop the killing. DESEX! Adopt desexed pets from Rescue Organisations and No-Kill Shelters.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Sample Letter to send to councils, MP's (example is for Blacktown pound but you can change it to suite the area)

                  Sample letter to Councils, MPs etc

[Council address]


Dear Chief Executive Officer/Councillor ………………,

I am a [rate payer/ member of the local community] serviced by [Council name].

As an animal lover [and a responsible pet owner,] I am interested in learning Council's views on the current over supply of companion animals in Australia, and what Council is intending to do to assist in addressing this issue.

I understand, for instance, that Sydney's biggest pound, the Blacktown Animal Holding Facility, [to which I understand Council sends animals] has a very high kill rate.  In particular, the number of cats entering the pound has increased by over 163% in the period 2003-2011, and the number of cats being killed by that pound has increased by over 155% within the same period. I also understand that over 3,200 cats were killed in 2011 in Blacktown Pound, and that this figure is highly likely to increase in coming years.

It appears to me that killing all of these cats has not reduced the numbers entering the pound.  It also seems to me that killing cats, and also unwanted dogs, is not the solution to the problem of the current oversupply of companion animals Australia is experiencing.

In light of this and my personal concerns about the situation, I request Council to provide me with the following information:

1. a copy of the statistics for the last 5 years for [the pound to which Council sends animals, unless they are a BAHF Council].  I request that these statistics include information about the
numbers of animals entering the pound and how they exited, including by sale direct from the pound; via a rescue organisation; or because they were killed.

2. a copy of Council's policies on microchipping and registering of animals, and low cost desexing of animals, including information about how the community may access these services.

3. information about how Council specifically intends to get to zero euthanasia of healthy and treatable abandoned cats and dogs within Council's city.

I would be pleased to receive this information within 3 weeks of the date of this letter.

Please provide this information to me using the contact details below:

[contact details].

I look forward to your early response.

Yours sincerely

[Name in full]

Friday, 26 April 2013

Wording for ad to place on Gumtree promoting the National Desexing Network and affordable desexing for those on low incomes.

*Please copy and paste this wording into Gumtree ads for your own area.*
Discounted Desexing Available for Cats and Dogs

NDN is a nationwide referral system for low cost desexing. NDN is a charitable program funded through the generosity of members of the public. The only beneficiaries of the program are Australia's cats and dogs. 

Our goal is to make desexing more affordable to those who might not otherwise be in a position to desex their pets. 

You can obtain information and vouchers for reduced cost desexing for dogs and cats here: 

CATS: There are set fees for male or female cats - costs vary in each state: ring to find the subsidy available for your area and know what your exact out-of-pocket costs will be. 

DOGS: Fees vary according to the size (Large or small) and weight (over or under 15kg / 25kg) of your dog as well as if it is male or female. Costs vary in each state. Ring and provide details of your dogs sex and weight, and ask for a quote for your out-of-pocket desexing costs. 

The AWL clinics, if you live near one, also provides pet desexing at a lower fee compared to private vets. 

Over 250,000 pet cats and dogs were killed in council pounds and RSPCA/LostDogsHome shelters in Australia last year. Help stop the killing. DESEX! Adopt desexed pets from Rescue Organisations and No-Kill Shelters.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Chronic dysthmic disorder

I'm surprised I'm still alive, to be honest.

Here's some info about my diagnosis obtained in 2002:

"According to the DSM's definition of dysthymia, it is a serious state of chronic depression, which persists for at least 2 years; it is less acute and severe than major depressive disorder.[3] As dysthymia is a chronic disorder, sufferers may experience symptoms for many years before it is diagnosed, if diagnosis occurs at all. As a result, they may believe that depression is a part of their character, so they may not even discuss their symptoms with doctors, family members, or friends."

Yes, that's me - mildly depressed between bouts of severe depression and anxiety.

It's hard to write about it and to remember the experimenting with medication, the way I have been treated by my family (childhood abuse, neglect, sexual abuse) and my ex-husband (violence, abuse, psychological abuse). There was a drawn out family court process in which my ex, who had abandoned us all so he could go partying with his 19 year old mistress, used every lie he could in order to hurt me and try to take the children from my care by claiming I had neglected them (I hadn't). The last time I had a severe episode was when my father died in combination with family feuding over his estate and a boyfriend who dumped me to run off with his ex while I was attending Dad's funeral interstate. I wanted to die as the world was a bleak place. I hung on for my children as I didn't want them to grow up motherless and to be hurt if I abandoned them but I wasn't living, was just existing.

Then there came the tropical fish we were given in 2012 which kept me busy - their very water quality depending on me: I had to drag myself out of bed and take care of them. They are beautiful but then someone couldn't take care of their ragdoll kitten and gave her to me... then I decided to foster cats so that she wouldn't be lonely and I could help save some lives.

Those animals, they saved my life. Not the other way around.

I still have bad days and will do for the rest of my life - that's the nature of my mental illness. Medication takes the sharp edges off life but I have a disease that makes life pretty dreary and pointless at times. But the cats in my home as well as the ones I can't directly help, they have given me purpose.

This is patchy and without chronological reference but it's the best I can do for now. Remembering how much I wanted to die to turn off my relentless pain is not a fun process. But the days now are much more sunny and full of purring and playing and the pitter patter of little paws. I rely on them more than they rely on me.

Fostering unwanted kitties saved my life.