Saturday, 4 May 2013

New ad placed on Gumtree for Brisbane - National Desexing Network vouchers

Today's updated wording on the newly placed Gumtree ad for the National Desexing Network

NDN is a nationwide referral system for low cost desexing. NDN is a charitable program funded through the generosity of members of the public. The only beneficiaries of the program are Australia's cats and dogs.

Our goal is to make desexing more affordable to those who might not otherwise be in a position to desex their pets.

You can obtain information and vouchers for reduced cost desexing for dogs and cats here:

There are set fees for all male or female cats starting at $45 (the NDN pays the balance).

Fees vary according to the size and weight of your dog as well as if it is male or female. Ring toll free on 1 300 368 992 for more information and a quote for your out-of-pocket desexing costs (the NDN pays the balance).

The AWL clinics, if you live near one, also provides pet desexing at a lower fee compared to private vets and you can use NDN vouchers at AWL clinics as well as other local vet clinics.

Over 250,000 pet cats and dogs were killed in council pounds and RSPCA/LostDogsHome shelters in Australia last year, mainly dsh cats and staffy-type dogs. Help stop the killing. DESEX! Adopt desexed pets from Rescue Organisations and No-Kill Shelters.

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